Since the start of this quarter (aka in March), my capstone class has been preparing the launch of our student-made (and with the help of our professor) website. We named it "48 Degrees North," and we focus on downtown Bellingham and "stories of the Pacific Northwest."
As I stated in an earlier blog post, each one of us chose a topic to focus on - designing the site, revitalization, history, repurposing, homelessness, shopping, etc. I focused on the clothing stores downtown - two thrift, three "new" clothing.
On Thursday of last week, we had a soft launch - where we displayed our site and work to a few downtown Bellingham-ers. It was a very small get together (our class made up a majority of the people at the event) as we only created the event two days before. However, it was very pleasing and satisfying to present our work to others outside our class and see our work displayed on a big screen (as we had it downtown at a film center).
After all the cramming, hard work, and working with stores, I'm proud of the finished product. I worked hard on infographics - of which I had briefly experimented with before - and photo stories. I am proud of the work I produced as well as feeling more connected to my community.
Good job to all my other classmates who worked hard and completed good projects as well! To the Advanced Visual Journalism class of Spring 2016!
You can find the site here: http://48degreesnorth.com/
My stories are under Stories, under the sub-heading, Fashion Trends: From Thrift Stores to Boutiques.