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Pike Place Fish Market Video in Progress

I'm in a digital media (video) class this quarter, as I've stated in a previous blog post. This class requires a group project that's due at the end of the quarter. My group chose to do a feature on Justin Hall, a fishmonger at Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, while also showing Pike Place and what it's like to work there. (To give a little background, Justin Hall started working at Pike Place when he was 13 years old (he's now 42).)

Last Saturday, we all went down to Seattle and filmed. There were some hiccups - which truly tested our abilities and reactions. Overall, though, we had a lot of fun. We all had cameras - Canon DSLRs (of course) - as well as small LED panel lights, wired lav mic, wireless lav mic, shotgun mic, and tripods. It was quite an adventure.

The guys that work at the fish market are very funny, friendly and quirky. If you haven't been there, you should definitely check it out and say hello to the guys!

When this quarter and video is finished, I will be sure to post it on my blog - so be sure to check it out!

Here is a sneak peek (through screenshots of videos I took):

Also, you should check out the GoPro video we did on Instagram. We attached one of our group member's GoPro to the fish that they throw. Go to lindyholmbergprofessional_ to check out the video!



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